For those involved in developing a strategy for running a successful media business which informs the public debate and is financially sustainable.
How to develop a media sales strategy
Sales is one of the most important elements of a media company's commercial strategy. The sustainability of the business relies on its ability to generate income.
Introducing a converged newsroom strategy
A media organisation that introduces a converged news operation needs to have a clear strategy that is understood and makes sense to all news and business development staff.
Social media test for mainstream media
Does your media organisation have a social media strategy. Does it reach out and connect with your audience? There are many ways media organisations respond to social media, but here are three.
Developing the potential of your staff
Media training is about investing in people - your staff. They are your most precious resource. Without well-trained and motivated staff, you will struggle to deliver the right quality of content to your audience.
Strategic forward planning for media organisations
This module looks at how media organisations need to plan ahead to produce original content that informs the public debate and covers the issues of most concern to the target audience.
Setting up a media business – four essential steps
A media business is like a table with four legs. These are the media organisation's target audience, the core editorial proposition that it offers to that audience, the values that the business holds dear, and the market that sustains the business. Each leg has to be strong and firm. If one leg is weak, the table wobbles. A shaky media organisation is not good.
Creating a converged news operation
A converged news operation offers improved quality control, more efficient workflows, cost savings, a steady flow of original journalism across all devices, and new resulting business opportunities.
Basics of project development for a media organisation
A media organisation must always remain alert to changing audience demand and behaviour. This involves continually examining what is produced to ensure that it is relevant to those who consume it.
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