For those involved in developing a strategy for running a successful media business which informs the public debate and is financially sustainable.
Establishing a market differential with original journalism
This module is about producing original, in-depth, issue-led journalism designed to inform the public debate and meet the needs of your target audience while giving you a market differential.
Newsroom evolution from digital denial to digital first
Continually monitoring how content is being consumed by your audience, and responding quickly to technological and market opportunities, is essential to developing a sustainable business model.
Creating a distinctive radio station sound
A radio station needs to have a unique and consistent sound and deliver content that the listeners can relate to. Developing a station's voice can help increase reach, ratings and impact.
Introducing a converged newsroom strategy
A media organisation that introduces a converged news operation needs to have a clear strategy that is understood and makes sense to all news and business development staff.
Adapting to changing audience behaviour
The challenge of keeping up with changing audience behaviour and ensuring that the content that is produced is available on all the devices the audience uses to access information.
An example of the media project management process
In this example, we were asked at short notice to help produce a televised debate between political candidates before a general election. We had three-and-half weeks to make it happen.
Developing the potential of your staff
Media training is about investing in people - your staff. They are your most precious resource. Without well-trained and motivated staff, you will struggle to deliver the right quality of content to your audience.
Content sharing for the benefit of all
Small news organisations, eager to offer their audience a wider choice of news, can now take advantage of a free international wires service currently syndicating in 90 languages.
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Fact-checking and adding context
Journalism is about far more than simply gathering information and passing it on. An essential part of the editorial process is to examine everything we are told to make sure it is factual, and then add context so that any facts that are uncovered are considered alongside existing knowledge.