
Social media test for mainstream media

Does your media organisation have a social media strategy. Does it reach out and connect with your audience?

Female representation in news leadership and coverage

Is your news organisation and its output male dominated? Are women fairly represented in newsroom leadership roles and the stories covered?

The skills of media project management

If you are planning a media project - whether it be a new programme, covering a live event, launching a new product, there are certain rules you should observe.

The value of audience research

Knowing your audience and understanding the issues they face are essential factors in developing a compelling editorial proposition.

Convergence: transforming news production

Introducing a converged news operation is rarely easy. Those trying to introduce changes in workflows, roles and responsibilities are often met with resistance.

Developing a media sales strategy

Sales is one of the most important elements of a media company's commercial strategy. The sustainability of the business relies on its ability to generate income.

Winning audience trust and loyalty

A media organisation needs to be clear about what it stands for in order to win the trust of the audience.

Reviewing news output is essential

A media house needs to be continually assessing whether its output is meeting the needs of the audience and achieving business targets.

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Tool: Story Weighting System

Different news stories have a different value for your audience and for your business. Giving news items a 'weighting' can lead to impact and efficiencies.

Accuracy in journalism

A media organisation will be judged on the accuracy and reliability of its journalism, which must be well-sourced, supported by strong evidence, examined and tested, clear and unambiguous. Verified facts must form the basis of all news, not rumour or speculation.

Journalism and activism

Can a journalist also be an activist for a cause without compromising the core editorial values of journalism?