Hey AI, what’s on the news agenda today?

An image of a news meeting created using Microsoft's AI Image Designer
An image of a news meeting created using Microsoft’s AI Image Designer

Have you ever chaired a news meeting surrounded by blank faces with no story ideas? Well, with AI that experience could be a thing of the past. Simply asking AI what the top stories of the day are and then asking for suggestions for news angles could result in far too many stories to cover. But, better too many than too few.

Media Helping Media (MHM) tested Google’s Gemini AI conversation tool by asking it to list the top five news stories for Thursday 26 September 2024. I then asked it to suggest how those stories should be treated and challenged Gemini AI to dig deeper into each story idea and come up with interesting angles.

The results were impressive and the answers were immediate. Gemini’s responses to my questions are unedited other than to change them from American English to English English  (MHM’s preferred house style).

MHM: What are the current top news stories in the world?

Gemini AI: Here are some of the top news stories in the world as of September 26, 2024:

  • Israel-Hezbollah Conflict: The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon continues to dominate headlines. There have been numerous attacks and counterattacks, and the situation remains tense.
  • Russia-Ukraine War: The war in Ukraine is still ongoing, with both sides reporting casualties and territorial gains. Diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful resolution have so far been unsuccessful.
  • Tropical Storm Helene: Tropical Storm Helene is expected to make landfall in the United States, and authorities are urging residents to prepare for potential flooding and power outages.
  • New Mpox Strain: India has reported its first case of a new, fast-spreading strain of mpox. The health ministry is monitoring the situation closely and urging people to be vigilant.
  • New York Mayor Eric Adams Indicted: New York City Mayor Eric Adams has been indicted on corruption charges. The investigation is ongoing, and Adams has denied any wrongdoing.

These are just a few of the top news stories in the world at the moment. Please note that the news landscape is constantly changing, so it is important to stay informed by following reputable news sources.

MHM: What angles could we explore on those top five news stories taken one-by-one?

Gemini AI: In order to analyse the top news stories one by one you should look at the following areas.

1. Israel-Hezbollah Conflict

  • Humanitarian Crisis: Explore the impact of the conflict on civilians, including displacement, injuries, and deaths.
  • Regional Implications: Analyse how the conflict is affecting neighbouring countries and the wider Middle East.
  • Diplomatic Efforts: Examine the role of international organisations and individual countries in attempting to broker a ceasefire or peace agreement.
  • Military Strategies: Discuss the tactics and weapons being used by both sides, and analyse their effectiveness.

2. Russia-Ukraine War

  • Economic Impact: Explore the effects of the war on the global economy, including rising energy prices and disruptions to supply chains.
  • Refugee Crisis: Examine the situation of millions of Ukrainians who have fled the country, and the challenges they face in finding safety and support.
  • War Crimes: Investigate allegations of war crimes committed by both sides, and the efforts to hold perpetrators accountable.
  • Prospects for Peace: Discuss the potential for a negotiated settlement, and the obstacles that must be overcome.

3. Tropical Storm Helene

  • Preparations and Response: Examine the steps taken by local and national authorities to prepare for and respond to the storm, including evacuation orders, emergency shelters, and disaster relief efforts.
  • Environmental Impact: Analyse the potential effects of the storm on the environment, such as flooding, erosion, and damage to ecosystems.
  • Economic Impact: Assess the economic costs of the storm, including property damage, business disruptions, and insurance claims.
  • Climate Change Connection: Discuss the relationship between the storm and climate change, and the implications for future extreme weather events.

4. New Mpox Strain

  • Public Health Response: Examine the measures being taken by health authorities to contain the spread of the new strain, such as contact tracing, vaccination campaigns, and public education efforts.
  • Global Implications: Assess the potential for the new strain to spread to other parts of the world, and the risks it poses to public health.
  • Research and Development: Discuss the need for further research into the new strain, including its characteristics, transmissibility, and potential treatments.
  • Social and Economic Impacts: Explore the social and economic consequences of the outbreak, such as stigma, discrimination, and disruptions to daily life.

5. New York Mayor Eric Adams Indicted

  • Legal Proceedings: Follow the legal proceedings, including the charges filed, the evidence presented, and the potential outcomes.
  • Political Implications: Analyse the impact of the indictment on the mayor’s political career, his relationship with the public, and the city’s governance.
  • Corruption in Politics: Discuss the broader issue of corruption in politics, and the measures that can be taken to prevent it.
  • Public Opinion: Examine public opinion on the indictment and the mayor’s handling of the situation.

MHM: Can you suggest interesting ways to explore those news angles?

Gemini AI: To present news angles in a distinctive manner, consider these approaches:

1. Humanise the Story:

  • Focus on individuals: Highlight personal experiences and anecdotes to connect readers emotionally.
  • Use storytelling: Craft narratives that draw readers into the story.
  • Emphasise the human cost: Explore the impact of events on individuals and communities.

2. Leverage Unexpected Connections:

  • Identify surprising links: Find connections between seemingly unrelated topics.
  • Use analogies: Draw parallels to familiar concepts to make complex issues more understandable.
  • Explore counterintuitive perspectives: Challenge conventional wisdom and offer alternative viewpoints.

3. Utilise Visual Storytelling:

  • Create compelling visuals: Use infographics, charts, and images to illustrate data and concepts.
  • Employ multimedia: Incorporate videos, audio clips, and interactive elements to enhance engagement.
  • Tell stories through visuals: Use images and graphics to convey narratives without words.

4. Explore the Historical Context:

  • Examine past events: Compare current events to similar situations in the past.
  • Identify patterns and trends: Analyse historical data to identify recurring themes.
  • Provide historical context: Explain the significance of events within a broader historical framework.

5. Offer a Unique Perspective:

  • Consider different viewpoints: Explore the issue from multiple angles.
  • Interview experts: Seek out insights from experts who can provide unique perspectives.
  • Challenge assumptions: Question commonly held beliefs and offer alternative interpretations.

6. Focus on the Unexpected:

  • Highlight unusual details: Draw attention to unexpected or surprising aspects of the story.
  • Explore the unexpected consequences: Examine unintended or unforeseen outcomes of events.
  • Offer a fresh perspective: Present the story in a way that readers haven’t seen before.

7. Incorporate Humor or Satire:

  • Use humour to lighten the mood: Employ humour to make complex topics more accessible.
  • Utilise satire to critique: Satirize issues or individuals to highlight flaws or absurdities.
  • Balance humour with seriousness: Ensure that humour doesn’t undermine the importance of the topic.

By combining these techniques, you can create news angles that are informative, engaging, and memorable. Would you like to explore a specific news topic and brainstorm potential angles?

MHM: Let’s brainstorm potential news angles together.

Gemini AI: Absolutely! Let’s choose a news topic together. To give you some ideas, here are a few current events you could consider:

  • Artificial Intelligence: The rapid development of AI, its potential benefits and risks, and its impact on society.
  • Climate Change: The increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events, the transition to renewable energy, and international efforts to mitigate climate change.
  • Social Justice: Issues related to equality, diversity, and inclusion, including racial justice, gender equality, and economic inequality.
  • Healthcare: The rising cost of healthcare, access to medical care, and advancements in medical technology.
  • Technology: The latest developments in technology, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and the Internet of Things.

Which topic would you like to explore?

MHM: Let’s explore climate change.

Gemini AI: Climate change is a vast and complex topic with endless angles to explore. Here are a few unique approaches you could consider:

Human-Centred Stories:

  • Personal Narratives: Interview individuals who have been directly affected by climate change, such as farmers experiencing crop failures or coastal residents facing rising sea levels.
  • Community Resilience: Highlight communities that have successfully adapted to climate change, focusing on their innovative solutions and resilience.
  • Health Impacts: Explore the health consequences of climate change, including heat-related illnesses, respiratory problems, and the spread of diseases.

Unexpected Connections:

  • Cultural Impacts: Examine how climate change is affecting cultural traditions, heritage sites, and indigenous communities.
  • Economic Implications: Explore the economic costs of climate change, from lost productivity to increased insurance premiums.
  • Technological Advancements: Highlight emerging technologies that could help mitigate climate change, such as renewable energy sources, carbon capture, and climate-resilient infrastructure.

Visual Storytelling:

  • Time-Lapse Photography: Use time-lapse photography to show the dramatic changes in glaciers, forests, or coastlines over time.
  • Data Visualization: Create infographics or interactive maps to illustrate climate data, such as temperature trends, sea-level rise, or extreme weather events.
  • Virtual Reality Experiences: Immerse readers in virtual reality simulations of climate change scenarios, such as flooding or extreme heatwaves.

Historical Perspective:

  • Climate History: Explore past climate events and their impact on civilizations.
  • Historical Parallels: Compare current climate challenges to historical events, such as the Dust Bowl or the Little Ice Age.
  • Lessons from the Past: Analyse past responses to climate change and identify successful strategies.

Unique Perspectives:

  • Animal Impacts: Examine how climate change is affecting wildlife, ecosystems, and biodiversity.
  • Ethical Considerations: Explore the ethical implications of climate change, such as the distribution of resources and intergenerational justice.
  • Art and Culture: Highlight how artists and cultural figures are responding to climate change through their work.

Would you like to explore one of these angles in more detail, or do you have another idea in mind?

MHM: Yes please let’s explore the animal impacts angle.

Gemini AI: This topic offers a unique perspective on climate change, as it highlights the direct and often devastating effects on wildlife. Here are some potential sub-angles you could consider:

  • Habitat Loss: Examine how climate change is leading to the loss of habitats, such as forests, wetlands, and coral reefs, and the subsequent decline of species that rely on these environments.
  • Range Shifts: Explore how species are shifting their geographic ranges in response to changing temperatures and precipitation patterns, leading to competition with other species and potential extinction.
  • Behavioural Changes: Investigate how climate change is altering the behaviours of animals, such as migration patterns, breeding seasons, and foraging habits.
  • Disease Outbreaks: Discuss how climate change is contributing to the spread of diseases among wildlife, such as zoonotic diseases that can also infect humans.
  • Conservation Efforts: Highlight conservation initiatives aimed at protecting wildlife from the impacts of climate change, including habitat restoration, assisted migration, and captive breeding programs.

Would you like to focus on a specific aspect of animal impacts, or do you have other questions about this topic?

MHM: Yes please, let’s focus on habitat loss as a sub-angle.

Gemini AI: Habitat loss is a major driver of species extinction, and climate change is exacerbating this problem. Here are some potential story ideas:

  • Case Studies: Examine specific examples of habitat loss due to climate change, such as the decline of polar bears in the Arctic or the loss of coral reefs in tropical oceans.
  • The Role of Extreme Weather Events: Explore how extreme weather events, such as wildfires, floods, and droughts, are destroying habitats and displacing wildlife.
  • The Impact on Endangered Species: Investigate how habitat loss is particularly threatening to endangered species, as they often have limited geographic ranges and specialised requirements.
  • Conservation Efforts: Highlight conservation initiatives aimed at protecting and restoring habitats, such as reforestation programs, wetland restoration, and the creation of wildlife corridors.
  • The Human Cost: Discuss the human consequences of habitat loss, including impacts on food security, water resources, and cultural heritage.

Would you like to explore any of these ideas in more detail, or do you have another angle in mind?

MHM: Yes, perhaps the human cost.

Gemini AI: The Human Cost of Habitat Loss is a powerful and relevant angle that can highlight the direct and indirect consequences of climate change on human communities. Here are some potential story ideas:

  • Food Security: Examine how habitat loss is affecting food production, particularly in regions that rely on agriculture and fishing. Explore the impact on local communities and food prices.
  • Water Resources: Discuss how habitat loss is affecting water quality and availability, particularly in areas where forests and wetlands play a crucial role in water filtration and regulation.
  • Health Impacts: Explore the health consequences of habitat loss, such as increased exposure to air pollution, waterborne diseases, and vector-borne illnesses.
  • Cultural Heritage: Examine how habitat loss is affecting cultural heritage sites, such as ancient forests, sacred landscapes, and traditional fishing grounds.
  • Economic Impacts: Discuss the economic costs of habitat loss, including lost livelihoods, increased disaster relief expenses, and reduced tourism revenue.

Would you like to explore any of these ideas in more detail, or do you have another angle in mind?

MHM: Yes please, let’s explore the health impacts.

Gemini AI: The Health Impacts of Habitat Loss is a critical and often overlooked aspect of climate change. Here are some potential story ideas:

  • Air Quality: Examine how habitat loss, particularly deforestation, is contributing to air pollution, which can lead to respiratory problems, heart disease, and other health issues.
  • Waterborne Diseases: Discuss how habitat loss, such as the degradation of wetlands, is affecting water quality and increasing the risk of waterborne diseases, such as cholera, typhoid, and dysentery.
  • Vector-Borne Diseases: Explore how habitat loss is creating conditions that favour the spread of vector-borne diseases, such as malaria, dengue fever, and Zika virus, by altering the habitat of mosquitoes and other disease-carrying insects.
  • Mental Health: Investigate the mental health impacts of habitat loss, including stress, anxiety, and depression, particularly in communities that rely on natural resources for their livelihoods and well-being.
  • Disasters and Health: Examine how habitat loss is increasing the vulnerability of communities to natural disasters, such as floods, wildfires, and hurricanes, which can have severe health consequences.

Would you like to explore any of these ideas in more detail, or do you have another angle in mind?

MHM: Yes, let’s talk more about ‘vector-borne diseases.

Gemini AI: Vector-borne diseases are a significant public health concern, and habitat loss plays a crucial role in their transmission. Here are some potential story ideas:

  • Habitat Alteration: Examine how habitat alteration, such as deforestation and urbanisation, is creating new breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other disease-carrying insects.
  • Climate Change and Vector Ecology: Explore how climate change is affecting the geographic range and activity of vectors, allowing them to spread diseases to new areas.
  • Disease Surveillance: Investigate the challenges of disease surveillance in areas affected by habitat loss, as changes in ecosystems can make it difficult to track and control outbreaks.
  • Community Health Initiatives: Highlight community-based programs aimed at preventing and controlling vector-borne diseases, such as mosquito control measures and health education campaigns.
  • Global Health Implications: Discuss the global health implications of vector-borne diseases linked to habitat loss, including the potential for pandemics and the economic burden on affected countries.

Would you like to explore any of these ideas in more detail, or do you have another angle in mind?

MHM: Yes please, let’s discuss disease surveillance.

Gemini AI: Disease surveillance is essential for tracking and controlling outbreaks, particularly in areas affected by habitat loss. Here are some potential story ideas:

  • Challenges in Remote Areas: Examine the challenges of disease surveillance in remote or inaccessible areas, where habitat loss may have occurred and where access to healthcare and public health services is limited.
  • Community-Based Surveillance: Highlight community-based disease surveillance initiatives that involve local residents in monitoring for symptoms and reporting potential cases.
  • Early Warning Systems: Discuss the development and implementation of early warning systems to detect and respond to disease outbreaks in areas affected by habitat loss.
  • Data Analysis and Modelling: Explore the use of data analysis and modelling techniques to predict the spread of diseases based on factors such as habitat loss, climate change, and human population density.
  • International Collaboration: Examine the importance of international collaboration in disease surveillance, particularly for diseases that can spread across borders.

Would you like to explore any of these ideas in more detail, or do you have another angle in mind?

MHM: Yes please, it would be good to look into early warning systems.

Gemini AI: Early warning systems are crucial for detecting and responding to disease outbreaks, especially in areas affected by habitat loss. Here are some potential story ideas:

  • Technology and Innovation: Highlight the latest technological advancements in early warning systems, such as satellite imagery, remote sensing, and data analytics.
  • Community-Based Early Warning Systems: Explore the role of community-based early warning systems, which rely on local residents to report unusual symptoms or unusual animal behaviour.
  • Integration of Data: Discuss the importance of integrating data from various sources, including health records, environmental data, and climate models, to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of early warning systems.
  • Case Studies: Examine specific case studies of early warning systems that have successfully prevented or mitigated disease outbreaks in areas affected by habitat loss.
  • Challenges and Limitations: Address the challenges and limitations of early warning systems, such as the need for adequate funding, trained personnel, and reliable data.

Would you like to explore any of these ideas in more detail, or do you have another angle in mind?

MHM: How do I get hold of the data you mention?

Gemini AI: Data is a crucial component of effective disease surveillance and habitat loss research. Here are some potential sources:

Government Agencies and Organisations:

  • National Health Services: Most countries have national health services that collect and analyse health data, including disease surveillance data.
  • Environmental Protection Agencies: Environmental protection agencies often collect data on habitat loss, land use changes, and climate factors.
  • Research Institutes: Government-funded research institutes may conduct studies on disease surveillance, habitat loss, and their interactions.

International Organisations:

  • World Health Organization (WHO): The WHO collects and analyses health data from around the world, including disease surveillance data.
  • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP): The UNEP monitors environmental issues, including habitat loss and biodiversity.
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): The IPCC provides comprehensive assessments of climate change, including its impacts on ecosystems and human health.

Academic Institutions:

  • Universities and Research Centres: Many universities and research centres conduct studies on disease surveillance, habitat loss, and their interactions. They may publish their findings in academic journals or make their data available through data repositories.

Data Repositories:

  • Government Data Portals: Many governments have data portals where they make public data available.
  • Academic Data Repositories: Academic institutions often maintain data repositories where researchers can share and access data.
  • International Data Repositories: International organisations may also maintain data repositories that are accessible to researchers.

Remote Sensing Data:

  • Satellite Imagery: Satellite imagery can provide valuable data on land use changes, deforestation, and habitat loss.
  • Remote Sensing Platforms: There are various remote sensing platforms that provide data, such as NASA’s Earth Observatory and the European Space Agency’s Copernicus program.

When searching for data, be sure to consider the following factors:

  • Data Quality: Ensure that the data is reliable and accurate.
  • Data Format: Make sure the data is in a format that you can use (e.g., CSV, JSON, GIS).
  • Data Access Restrictions: Some data may have restrictions on access or use.

Would you like me to help you find specific data sources for a particular topic?

MHM’s conclusion

AI provided enough news story ideas in a two-minute real-time conversation to keep a newsroom busy for a year. What was interesting was that AI seemed to enjoy brainstorming. It started prompting me to engage further either by asking more on the topic we were discussing or offering to explore another angle. It almost felt like I was having a text conversation with a real person about topics about which they were extremely well informed.