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Court reporting for beginners

Reporting on court hearings is an essential part of journalism. It requires an understanding of local laws and knowing what can be reported and what can’t.

How to spot a news story

What are the telltale signs that help journalists distinguish fact from fiction, and how do they know when they have uncovered an important news story?

What editors look for when hiring journalists

What's the best preparation for a career in journalism? Media Helping Media asked some experts in the field what they look for when hiring staff.

News sources, numbers and the ‘so what’ factor

Journalists covering news should always be considering what might happen next and thinking through the consequences of the events they are reporting on.

How to improve your journalistic productivity

If you turn up for the daily news meeting without a story idea, you're in the wrong job. A journalist should be living and breathing stories 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year.

Developing and applying “news sense”

How do we know what is “news”? There are millions of things going on in the world all the time and only some of them become news stories.

What is news?

Here we consider what makes one thing worth reporting, while another thing is not. We offer a test for news which can work in all societies. We consider what makes some news stories stronger than others.

Essential elements of a news story

Pyramid journalism and the essential elements for writing a news story.

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Dealing with disinformation and misinformation

There are people who knowingly or mistakenly create or pass on information which is not accurate, and this can more accurately be referred to as “disinformation” and “misinformation.”

Planning tips for effective election coverage

Planning is essential for effective election coverage. This following is a checklist by editors or election coverage teams. It gives also some guidance on special editorial approaches to the campaign.

Vision, accountability and transparency

A media organisation must be clear about what it stands for. If your audience puts its trust in the news you produce, then you need to set out your editorial values and be ready to be judged.