
Lesson: Beyond basic fact-checking

Journalists who have mastered basic fact-checking skills need to develop systems for dealing with all forms of fake news.

Lesson: Documentary making

This lesson plan is designed to help students learn the skills required to create compelling, in-depth and informative news documentaries.

Lesson: Interviewing Skills

This lesson plan is designed to teach students how to carry out an interview in a way that reveals new and important information.

Lesson: News Sense

Developing a news sense in order to spot a story's importance to the audience.

Lesson: Election coverage

A lesson outline for trainers to teach students how to plan election coverage.

Lesson: Visual Storytelling

Television journalists need to ensure that they are exploiting the medium to the maximum effect by letting the pictures tell the story.

Lesson: Clarity

A lesson plan designed to help students understand the importance of clarity in their writing so that they produce news articles that the reader can understand.

Lesson: Offence and Journalism

This lesson plan is designed to help students avoid causing unnecessary offence while continuing to produce robust, critical, in-depth journalism.

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Project management in media

A media organisation must always remain alert to changing audience demand and behaviour. This involves continually examining what is produced to ensure that it is relevant to those who consume it.

Interviewing integrity – scenario

In this scenario, an award-winning journalist is offered a top job at national TV station, but soon after starting her new job she discovers corruption in the media house.

Lesson: Impartiality

This lesson plan is designed to teach students the importance of impartiality in journalism and the avoidance of bias.