
The use of English

English is one of the most expressive and flexible languages in the world. Its immense vocabulary provides for the persuasive and precise communication of ideas.

Interviewing for video journalists

How to enhance the quality of filmed interviews, including the use of lighting, avoiding distractions, calming nerves, and making the interviewee feel good.

How to produce strong news stories

Good stories about any topic generally have some things in common. Here are 12 points to keep in mind when you are planning, researching and producing a news story.

Keeping the sub-editors happy

A sub-editor is happiest when given copy that reads well and needs little rewriting.Ā A writer or reporter is happiest when their copy is printed with the fewest changes to their original.

Letting the pictures tell the story

Guidelines for reporters writing scripts for TV packages, with some simple tips for making the best use of pictures.

Journalists and bloggers – stop stealing pictures

Copying images from the web and using them to illustrate news articles without permission is a global problem. Some think it's okay to use images without permission; itĀ isn'tĀ and there's a better way.

Fact-checking and adding context

Journalism is about far more than simply gathering information and passing it on. An essential part of the editorial process is to examine everything we are told to make sure it is factual, and then add context so that any facts that are uncovered are considered alongside existing knowledge.

Essential elements of a news story

Pyramid journalism and the essential elements for writing a news story.

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Media guide for spotting election irregularities

In its Election Reporting Handbook for journalists theĀ International Federation for Journalists (IFJ) sets out a list of what journalists should look out for when covering elections.

Creating a distinctive radio station sound

A radio station needs to have a unique and consistent sound and deliver content that the listeners can relate to. Developing a station's voice can help increase reach, ratings and impact.

Is your journalism open to manipulation?

The relationship between the media and politicians can have an impact on the functioning society. One of the roles of the journalist is to scrutinise the actions of politicians without getting too close.